Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Happy Anniversary to 1 and 1.1

Hard to believe that it has been four years since that great weekend in the TC.  And we have 1.1 to make it even better today.

I know that I owe the crowd an addition to the blog.  Hopefully, I'll be able to do so later today.

Now Later...

Here is another pic of today's honored couple.  Obviously, this one is a little older...last year at the reunion.  1.1 has changed!

I never put the overlap together, but today is also the anniversary of Neil Armstrong's walk on the moon in 1969.  For my generation (and older) the first walk on the moon has always been one of those events where everyone remembered what they were doing at that exact time.  For me, I was playing American Legion baseball in Galesburg, Illinois.

A sidebar in both the sports pages and the financial reports this week has been the suicide of an advisor in Texas who had money (several million in total) for investment from various college basketball coaches.  It got local press because one of the named investors is the Augustana College coach. 

The NCAA is interested in this matter because the advisor also ran an AAU program which had several players make it to D-I programs.  Was there a quid-pro-quo to get the recruits if the coaches invested with the advisor?  A bit of a sticky whicket.  And that doesn't even consider the hardship of the coaches now being out of significant money.

Suicide in the financial business is not that uncommon.  We actually had a guy with my broker go over the edge a few years back when a lot of his clients lost tons of dinero on some deals that went South.  And there's always those old cartoons of the brokers jumping out the high rise windows, and getting calls on the way down.

My life for the next week just got a little more complicated.  My live-in visitor has arrived.  2 is leaving at oh-dark-hundred in the AM for her flight to Reno (leaving out of Midway around 1000 or so).  So The Winniferous and I get to re-new our friendship.

The heat is still on for a couple more days.  My new A/C unit has been a great purchase.  The quality of life on Maplecrest is way up the charts this year.

Finally, I'm thinking that 4 ought to be using these next 10 days to give us some of her highlights from Life in Lincoln over these last two years.  Who can forget these memories?  The first that comes to my mind is her non-graduation graduation.  Did the job require a degree, or just related experience?

OK.  Off to a walk and then bed.  No need for an alarm tomorrow.


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