Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Wednesday - Christmas Eve Day

First things first. Happy Birthday to 4!!! You are DAUGHTER OF THE DAY!!!

I don't have a shot of her alone at the pass on this device. Sorry to have the Lt. sharing the space today. Obviously, this pic would have been taken in August of 2011 atop the Tourmalet in the Pyrenees. You were a stud on that climb, Kiddo!!

This is being written on the flight from C-town to LGA. Departure was about 35 minutes late from ORD, but if arrival is not any later than that in NYC on one of the busiest travel days of the year, I'm not complaining.

I'm also going to recognize my pal Pete today. He's been a great friend with airport delivery and pick-up several times in 2014. Again early today. I've said it many times, I am blest with great friends and family.

Here's a little example of the little complexities of technologies. The new Buick. It has Bluetooth capability. Very cool. But the sync-ing up between the iPhone and the car has some ironing-out to do. Incoming calls seem to require an additional step to force the call to the car. And voice mails from my desk-phone that get routed to my Outlook email (which automatically comes to my iPhone and iPad) won't play on my iPhone while I'm in the car. Interesting.

Over/Under on the RCL making it as regularly scheduled to Maplecrest today? Going with the Over. I got no call to reschedule, and even if it is the SRCL (Substitute), a payday is a payday.

In The FWIW Department, the coach for Northern Florida...whom Iowa beat Monday night...offered up that he thought Iowa players were easily discouraged when shots didn't drop or things didn't go their way. I read that as "soft". Which is the same assessment I opined here after the Saturday game in DSM.

Think I'm going to apply for the TSA pre-approval designation for 2015 after all. If I travel 5 times next year, the cost is less than a bottle of wine each trip. This business with shoes and belts etc. just doesn't work for me anymore.

I noticed on my basement calendars this AM that I have had a string of at least five Christmas's spent in Minnesota. And that run ends this year. Hmmm. Weather permitting, the plan is to get up there for the weekend after New Years.

In three weeks, it will be golf on a course TBA in Scottsdale.

So mostly, I wanted to get this up to honor 4. There's not a lot of wisdom here. Sorry. Pics from the weekend will hit Twitter for sure.

Make it a good day in your neighborhood!


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