Saturday, February 02, 2013


Well, I guess you could call it The Lost Week.  Most of you are aware that I am indeed alive (Thanks for the concern, 4!), but it has been a bit open to question at several points this week.  It wasn't the flu, just a bad cold, but I was totally unprepared for its severity.  I think I may have another few days of recovery before I will be able to say that "I'm back".  I have a new respect for my lack of bullet-proof-ness.

My thanks to those who have expressed concern.

The PGA tour is in PHX this week at a course very near our hangout at Grayhawk.  The TPC Scottsdale is a resort complex with the Fairmont Princess Hotel, a place I've visited several times for seminars.  (Visited being the operative term.  Those guest rates are a bit beyond the travel budget for Criterium where the Hampty is the company standard.)  This is the par-3 16th hole that they make into a stadium for the tournament.  It is known as the loudest hole on the entire PGA tour.

Punxsutawney Phil is saying that we're in for an early Spring.  I can't really say that I have much of an opinion on Groundhog Day.  Terrible movie.  We've had some really cold days here this week.  And there's some snow on the ground.  But my Wall of Memories
calendar from 2011 indicates that we had big snow on this date that 2 feet!  I'll take the early Spring.

One of the things that happens when you get stuck on the couch for several days, is that you reluctantly watch a lot of TV.  (With the sports-pack that I have with DirecTV, you can watch live Indian-Pakistani cricket most of our daylight hours.)  A Citi credit card commercial got my attention.  Its the one with the girl climbing one of the rock formations out in Utah.  I wasn't convinced that it was real, but there's an Internet youTube video that says otherwise.  Very cool.

Its usually a sign that you're spending too much time (and too much money) at an establishment when the proprietors start giving you gifts.  Such is my life.  While I was pretty much worthless this week at the office, I did get to Dunn Brothers each day for my daily dose of caffine.  They had noticed previously that I bring back my cup for my refill at 2nd coffee, and thought that I might be interested in a refillable container of some sort.  I really didn't think that was my style.  Color me wrong.

I am now the fully-convinced owner of a 20 ounce SIPP cup that exceeds expectations.  It keeps my hot Americano HOT (not warm) for well over an hour.  And I'm sure that it would remain warm for another hour or two.  Keep in mind: this is not about me becoming green.  Its about keeping my coffee hot.

So this hasn't been much of literary creativity.  But when its compared to zippo, I'm saying we need to consider it of Pulitzer quality.

More tomorrow.  Thanks for reading.


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