Monday, December 17, 2007


Just checking in.

2 was front row for a Hillary event tonight at the museum. So jealous.

3 is pounding the overtime clock tonight after a long weekend on the job as well. Sympathy welcome.

In honor of 3, a list of my 10 worst days at work, ever:

1. Sued by a client, circa 1992.
2. Surprise USAF safety inspection of my outfit, Korea, circa 1974.
3. April 15th, just about any year.
4. Someday in May 2007. An oversight on an account cost me five figures.
5. January 1972. I wrecked my new car while running a red light.
6. July 1957. I struck out 3 times in the City Championship game.
7. January 1995 or so. Wally and Daddy pass on.
8. May 1979. I don't get promoted to Manager at AA & Co.
9. Spring 2002. I lose a bitter personal battle with the IRS.
10. 9-11-2001. Everyone was affected.

That took quite a while to compile that list. On the other hand, I could do a "great days" list with ease. Maybe I will. Tomorrow.

This is 4's tax-week birthday. 6 days to 21!


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