Sunday, February 17, 2008


Sunday AM at SB's.

I admit to having been a little lax on the blog the last few days. Sometimes it's just not there.

I woke this morning to the sound of my sump pump kicking on and off. With the ground frozen, I guess the rain finds creases next to the house and seeps directly to the pockets near the foundation. A little unusual for February, I think. The weatherman is forecasting a wintery mix today. Unless the temperature falls, I think we'll be stuck with rain. Which is not bad, considering the alternatives.

Just to show my versatility with technology, here's a view of Jeff Gordon's 24 car in honor of today's season-opening race, the Daytona 500. I realize that most of you could care less about NASCAR, but I find racing pretty entertaining. And with Indy champ Dario Francitti now moving over to the series, another of my fav's, his wife Ashley Judd, will get plenty of face time on reports about the races.

The NYT was delivered as scheduled. The paper covers a lot of topics. I don't agree with all their writers, but I enjoy the diverse sampling of topics and culture in the various sections. Good choice of gift, girls!

I'm going to have to get back to this later. Looks like the weather is changing, and I want to get home before it gets ugly. I'll get back on during the race.


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