Monday, February 18, 2008


President's Day. Cold. Windy. Pretty much Winter.

I pulled this image from the IC Press Citizen. I-80 in the IC area on Sunday. I went over today to help 4 get her car out of her sorority house parking lot. The lot was a mess as were all of the IC streets. Much more snow than here. And with the students not really having the option to move their cars so that plowing can be done, it's just a mess. The joys of Iowa in Winter. (I'd estimate 50 cars in the ditches between IC and the Quad Cities. Not pretty.)

Daytona was a bust for Hendrick. That will be the last time I put the 24's picture on the blog. Can you say, "SI Cover Jinx?" 1.1 would have had it all over me if the 20 could have kept the lead one more lap.

Then my pals Roy and Ron tried to educate me about NASCAR engines this morning at coffee. I'm sure I haven't heard the last of that one.

I have my Russian cleaning lady tomorrow. The problem is that my vacuum is again on the fritz. So I tried to figure it out this evening, unscrewing every visible screw to every part of the unit. It still won't come apart. And it still doesn't suck. Which sucks for me. (Still trying to figure out how to move the pictures.)

My skills at fixing stuff have always bordered on incompetence. Some guys just have the knack to reduce the problem to the basics, and make the repair. If it is mechanical, technological or electrical, my best bet is to call the handyman. Fortunately, most small equipment is of the "throwaway" variety, as opposed to repairable.

Augie's last home regular season game is Wednesday night against Illinois Wesleyan. If Augie wins, they clinch a tie for the conference title. Which means that they would get to host the four-team conference tourney. If they lose, they're still in the tourney, but they probably wouldn't host it. It's the classic case of controlling one's own destiny.

All for now. Hope everyone has a good evening.


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