This may have been one of my Bottom Ten experiences at MLI in the last 2-3 years. The flight was delayed. OK, no biggie. It's delayed, not cancelled, so I'm going to get to DFW tonight. I'm already checked in. But the online check-in had not queried me for a baggage fee, so I had to do that at the airport. There was a line, of course. But the self-check-in machine was available...except that the credit-card reader was broken. Of course. Get in line. And those lines just don't move when each person has a connection problem. Yada, Yada, Yada. One service rep. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
Then I wasn't designated TSA pre-approved. But when I get to the security line...there is no line. Not a person. OK. This'll be easy, right. Wrong-O, Bucko!! The TSA guards are so bored, they take me to task at every turn, even pulling the corkscrew that has been through the same line a dozen times previously...and then, literally closely examining it, saying, "Lots of these have blades, you know." I did tell that guy that this was not my first rodeo.
Maybe the hat woulda helped, attesting to my character.
My original February plan had been a return visit to Scottsdale, but this Waco trip had to get done, so I elected to take my chances with Dallas weather. It will be fine, regardless. A few days away in February is good for the LtPC's mental and spiritual health.
I brought along the new camera, so I'm going to try to do some experimentation with that new toy. I did listen to/watch one YouTube video about operating this specific camera. It was pretty elementary and I didn't learn much, but I did notice several other videos relating to the same device, so I still hope to shorten the learning curve by way of this type of instruction. Stay tuned.
Hellcat Alert. Roy's new Dodger Charger Hellcat with the 700+ horsepower engine has arrived. He had it at coffee this AM. He offered to let me "take it for a spin", but I declined. Eight below zero, morning rush hour, and a Hellcat didn't sound like a good equation to me. Roy said it even kept him on alert just driving to coffee. Punch that sucker and the rear wheels spin...kinda NASCAR-ish. But soon.
Speaking of NASCAR, the twin dual races are tonight. This is how they set the grid for the 500. Heck, the first one will be over by the time I land. Danica is in the second race. If she doesn't finish high enough in this qualifying sprint, she could be out of Sunday's Big One. She wrecked her primary car in practice yesterday, so we'll see if she can keep the fenders on the back-up car and stay with the lead pack. I want her to do well.
We had a quick visit from 2 yesterday. Dentist and a swap-out of her own car that finally had been tuned-up. HOOPDRM is back on Century Heights. We'll give her some airtime as Daughter of the Day. This pic was on the gondola ride up to the mid-mountain area on Mt. Etna in Sicily. A great memory day for us. #BarcelonaBordeaux2015 is the next big chapter!
Looks like we are on our final approach to the Big D.
I'll be adding here over the weekend. I feel a bit of an obligation to do more than a blah-blah travelogue. This is the weekend of the annual writing contest...which I have not signed-up for given this trip. So maybe the sea's will part while I am out here on the road and a creative idea will appear. It could happen.
Make it a Good Friday in your neighborhood.
Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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