The dump of snow has dominated life around here today. We've had big storms within the last couple of years, but each one reminds you of how hard it is to get your normal stuff done when moving snow is your first task. The neighbor across the street with the blower on his lawn tractor has made life on Maplecrest a little easier. We don't have to move a two-foot pile left by the street plows at the end of the driveway.
FWIW, I think that the local weather forecasters hit the fairway with their call on this storm. It didn't look like they had done so this time last night, but I'm pretty sure that they said we could easily get 10-12 inches. And we did. Not sure if that necessarily qualifies them to move up the food chain, but it's always nice to get one right.
Of course, today is February 1st, which means that January went by in the vapor-trail that has become the day-to-day standard in my world. February is a short month regardless, but with a trip scheduled to Harvest Path next weekend, and a four-day trip to Texas that third weekend, the month will be history in a heart beat. Then we have March...which means outdoor cycling. And with normal other stuff, golf, TOMRV, NYC in April, probably Arizona in May, Tahoe in early August....and Barcelona will be tomorrow!
I will be missing the local equivalent of the Detroit Auto Show next weekend. The QC Auto Show is not much to see, but I've usually gone for a quick tour on the Saturday or Sunday afternoon. Mostly, I get amazed at what they price new, full-size SUV's at these days. A fully equipped Escalade can be $80K! You could by a small house in these parts for that kinda cash.
I had another friend make it up Mt. Kilimanjaro last week. My pal Doc Doug from DSM tried that a couple year back...unsuccessfully...although his lovely better-half made it...for a second time. It's 19,000+ feet, which makes it more than twice the height of Mt. Rose. It's a walk, not a climb, but the elevation probably would make it more than the LtPC could handle (sarcoidosis and all). Not that it is on any to-do list of mine. I just find it interesting that people can get that challenge in their blood. It's a long way to go (Tanzania) to beat yourself up. Says the man who has done death marches on his bike in the Alps, Pyrenees and the Carson Range in Nevada.
Hate to say it 3 and 4, but the Hawks are looking more and more like an NIT team again. They've got no muscle inside. Hard to win in any league, let alone the Big 10, with no muscle.
The amount of blovating by the WH and the self-appointed "Defenders of the Middle Class" (Reid, Shurmer, Pelosi, et al), will reach epic proportions this week with the POTUS' budget proposal. Tax the rich. Credits for the poor. Roads and infrastructure spending. Blah. Blah. Blah. Nothing in the way of serious tax reform. Positioning for 2016. Didn't we just have an election? Where the people said, "Let's do something different in DC?" Yuck.
2 says that you need 21 days to create a habit. I'm going cold turkey on political current events starting right now. I've had it with all of 'em.
Groundhog Day tomorrow. Regardless of what the stupid groundhog sees or doesn't see, I'm betting on 6 more weeks of Winter.
All for tonight. Make it a good week in your neighborhood.
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