Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I stole this picture from the local paper. It was taken within the last 24 hours. Usually, there is a bike path behind the rightfield wall and just behind the trees in the upper left of the image.

4 has sent to your regular email address a link to her website on the clan. It's still in progress, but it has a good start.

15+ miles today on the bike path. Maybe another similar trek tomorrow since Friday is a play day.

I finally saw my Russian cleaning lady for the first time this year on Tuesday. She was here when I got home from work around 4:45. She said that she had switched to an afternoon schedule after Christmas. I just never got home early enough to see her.

In a bit of, "How do you fix that?", she left her cell phone here on a table. My only contact point with her is her cell phone. So I had no idea how to reach out to her. So I just left it on my counter and figured that she would eventually come to get it. She finally called this evening, after having retraced her steps and concluding that it had to be here. I told her that I tried to call her...Nah...just joshing!

Any plans for May Day? The Catholic Church and the USSR always had big celebrations on May Day. I'm waiting for Cinco de Mayo.

BTW, the distress signal, "Mayday", is derived from the French term, "m'aider", meaning, "Come help me!" You can look it up.

Have a great evening/day.


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