Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Just a little recognition to the professional peloton on the roads of Georgia this week. I like the creative design of the cyclist in the logo. Maybe 2 can come up with an idea for the Tahoe trip. There will be tee-shirts.

I'm still trying to figure out how the system handles multiple pictures in the blog. Is there a tutorial?

The local peloton (I use the term loosely), was out on the roads around DCC today. I elected to do the county roads tonight, battling the cars rather than the various denizens of the bike path. Not bad results for the first time on the hills. No belligerent red-winged blackbirds, overly irate drivers, or flat tires. Life is good.

My pal Bill and I took our assistants out to lunch on the deck at Gov's. Another first of the season. Then a single scoop across the street at Whitey's. A one-scoop-cone for a buck eighty-five. These folks have a SB's approach to commodity economics. Is is possible to get a position on the futures exchange for the price of Whitey's?

My neighbor did his grass again tonight. And it looks like he roto-tilled his garden plot. He sets a high standard.

A story about a guy in USA Today described his blog on photography as allowing him to quit his job and actually make more money just sharing his knowledge on his blog. Good for him. I'm still working at trying to figure out what I know enough of, that would be of interest to more than 10 readers.

Hope everyone has a great evening.



Anonymous said...

we had our first really great day yesterday. it was in the mid 70's and sunny with a breeze that wasn't quite a wind. i got in a little over 8 miles for my midweek long run and worked up a nice sweat. even our night walk with the dog was pleasant. today should be rainy and they're predicting snow for the weekend. 1.1 is out of town for baseball this weekend.

big shocker on idol last night, but i thought that girl was annoying anyway. and she already had a contract. i think that's why she got booted.

a-rod made because his wife had their second child. the big ticket also missed a few days of practice for the birth of his first child, but it did not warrant an article on the celeb posts. who decides which athletes are celebs?

i've started getting iced coffee in the mornings because i can't drink my hot coffee fast enough and it gets cold. by getting it cold to start with, it lasts much longer. it is more expensive, which i can't quite figure out. it's the same coffee, it's just been sitting in the fridge for a couple hours. i have decied that i don't particularly care for the new pikes place blend. they brew it everyday now, too. i wonder if that will last. it seems like people would have been happier with a variety of blends and two different choices on rotation.

i don't have any red-winged birds on my route, but i still have to deal with the geese and their poop. i'm hissed at regularly.

as you can see, my life is as mundane as ever. love!

Anonymous said...

The one good thing about Starbucks in Spain is that an iced coffee cost the same as a hot coffee.