Thursday, March 06, 2008


I really don't have much to say today. These two have dominated the front pages most of the week. No reason it should be any different on 4K Days.

It might be kind of interesting to see how the Dems resolve their nomination dilemma with the Florida and Michigan delegations. Remember, these were two states that tried to upstage the Iowa caucuses as the first state to hold a 2008 presidential primary/caucus. When these states decided to go forward with their own ideas, the National Democratic Committee pulled their credentials. Now with the race so tight, and Hillary behind, there's some sentiment out there for "do-overs". Can anyone say, "Hanging chad?"

I see where the Facebook guy is now on the list of American billionaires. Not bad for a twenty-three year old. I wonder what he might do with himself when he grows up?

The Augie tournament game is tomorrow night. My pal Roy and I are doing din-din first at the fancy steak place in Moline. Biaggi's will have to survive a Friday night without my act. 2 has an early-evening commitment at the museum, but will be joining us for the game.

Coach John Wooden has been in the news this week with a fall in his home that resulted in a couple of broken bones. He's 90-some years old. Early in the college season, UCLA had to request fans give Mr. Wooden a break from the constant parade of autograph-seekers who would approach him when he would attend games in Pauley Pavillion. He remains one of the few on the list of people whom I would walk across the street to greet.

Tears are flowing in Green Bay tonight as Brett Favre has announced his retirement from football. I was never a huge fan, but he seems to have stayed true to himself throughout the years. I suppose he'll sign on with a TV contract in a year or two. (Or a day or two if he were to pull a Bobby Knight.) Then again, Joe Montana, whom everybody liked, couldn't make it on the tube.

The market sucks. I met with a long-time client this morning, a smart, well-read and successful businessman. He was asking about some of the terms and acronyms that have become standard verbiage in daily business articles. Subprime. SIVs. CDOs. Mortgage backed securities. His questions illustrate how convoluted/complicated the markets have become, even for the educated. The big issue remains the uncertainty in valuing anything tied to credit-related securities.

I know that young people use the "layered look" in fashion. You'll regularly see girls wearing a shorter shirt over something a little longer, with maybe a sweater, vest or other outer garment on top. Then a jacket. The cold of this Winter has made me an advocate of multiple layers. I now wear tee shirts under everything. Even tee shirts. On the really bad days, I might even wear a long-sleeved tee shirt and a short-sleeved tee shirt under a sweater. It reminds me of Daddy.

There probably won't be much here tomorrow. Hope everyone gets a good start on the weekend.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you lost me on the securities lingo.

another reason girls layer is because jeans have gotten lower cut, so the only way to prevent a 'whale tail' is by wearing longer tops. my solution? buy clothes that fit!

along those lines, i always want to ask boys who wear their pants around their thighs how it feels to waddle all day. basically, their underwear-clad butt is what is on the chair of their desk. something about the doesn't seem right to me. then again, spring is coming, so it won't be long before the short skirts come out and there isn't even underwear between the girls' butts and the chair. what happened to a little old-fashioned modesty? and what kind of parents let their kids dress that way??!!! it would never happen in our house!!!!

i'll be getting in my first real "long" run tomorrow morning. 13 miles. it's a good length. long enough so that i feel it, but not so long that it knocks me out for the day. i'll sleep well after, though. i've been implementing more hill and interval training into this race prep than i have in the past, so it will be interesting to see where i end up.

i've been looking into taking a few classes this summer, and will probably only end up being able to take one. the major one i was looking at involves writing a research paper, which requires choosing a topic and doing research. long story short, i won't be ready for it this summer. i'll get one out of the way, then i can do the research one during the school year and hopefully take the final class i need next summer and get my masters. it's going to be a little tougher than i thought.

another typical friday night here. 1.1 is refing a boys game and i'm chillin here. i might catch an old episode of csi. where are the new episodes? isn't the strike over??!!

sorry for the lack of excitement. such is my life.have a good weekend.
