Monday, March 17, 2008


I'm sure that none of you will be out there participating in any green beer celebrations. It being a work day and all.

Hope it's a good one.



Busy day on Wall Street. The next few days will be very interesting for the markets.

In searching for an appropriate picture for the blog today, I came across several aerial photos of a green Chicago River. With 3 working there now, and with Mom and I having a history in C-town, a photo of the river would have been a good choice. But I don't recall actually seeing the extra coloring in the river on St. Patrick's Day: it looked green to me all the time!

There have been a number of columns written recently using the Irish as an example of the integration of an immigrant people into the US population. A quick check on Wikipedia suggests that this assimilation was not without hardships, prejudice, and some violence. I wonder if today's anti-immigration crowd is similar to the anti-Irish folks of the 1800's? Then again, is it a hardship to ask someone coming to your homeland, to stay, to speak your language?

4 is working on an extended-family web site for one of her journalism classes. I remember Mother having a 2'x2' framed "family tree" display maybe 25 years ago that she may have received as a gift from Aunt Margaret. It was the "artsy-craftsy" thing that you buy at a craft shop and then you put pictures of the various "limbs" of your family on the different boughs. Pre-Internet stuff. 4's will be a lot more work, and contain a lot more information.

OK. I may be old, but it is St. Patrick's Day. And I am an ND grad. I'm off for a green beer.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Martha said:

NINA (No Irish Need Apply) was a widely used practice. Also, anti-Catholic sentiment. Mother admitted to putting Christian in the religion category on job applications. Can you believe that it was legal to have that question.