Tuesday, February 27, 2007


The Dow closed down today by over 400 points from yesterday's close. A downturn of a little over 3%. There may be more on the way tomorrow. Blame it on the Chinese.

The bathroom re-model is well underway. There's not the absolute mess throughout the house that I had when I re-did the main living room, but for someone who likes things to all be in their right places, I'll be glad to have it completed. The bad thing is that the doors for the other rooms may not be in for another week or two, so there will be a longer period of dis-repair than just the bathroom project.

And I had to give my Russian cleaning lady the wave-off today because it would have been counter-productive for her to clean when there would be more mess immediately upon her departure. I really don't like not having my Russian cleaning lady do her thing.

"Wave-off" is a term from my pal Roy's flying lingo. It's used to describe any postponement of any activity.

I figured out this week that Discovery Channel, the corporation, must have decided that, in addition to their election to end sponsorship of the pro cycling team for 2008, they were not going to provide current website support for the team. Go to "Discovery Pro Cycling" and you'll get stories from 2006 and zero information about 2007. The team's official site this year is ThePaceline.com, which is billed as the Lance Armstrong fan site. But that's where you need to go to get team news and stories about the races and the team members.

I see where a girl on American Idol is now another example of Internet expose.

The politicians are all having to recognize that everything that there ever said or did is fair game to their critics. That also extends to their staffers and operatives. Edwards had to can a couple of female bloggers who had colorful resumes with a long list of offensive remarks. What a greasy activity partisan vetting can be. Makes you want to wash your hands after every story.

Vilsack's withdrawal from the Presidential race has drawn considerable commentary about the inequities on the financial side of the competition. I'm not sure how that situation can be solved. Lots of times, in lots of competitions, the guy with the most money wins. Whether it be politics, sports, or romance.

There are people in this area still without power from the Saturday storm.

I slept through Big Monday. I'm headed out now and hope to catch Michigan-Michigan State later this evening.

Be careful out there.

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