Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Another nice day here, but not quite as nice as yesterday. Beats the below zero days by a bunch.

A couple of loose ends from yesterday. The Tour of California officials huddled after yesterday's crash-marred finish in Santa Rosa and decided to give the entire peloton the same finishing time as when they entered the circuits. Thus, Levi Leipheimer got to keep the overall lead even though he actually finished about a minute behind the stage winner. A bit of controversy since, while it is not uncommon to declare the circuits at the end of a road race as a safe zone, that declaration is normally done before the race. The fact that Levi calls Santa Rosa home supports those in the peloton who might think the officials are being a little biased in their ruling.

And K-State couldn't handle KU. I really thought it would be a closer game. So The Oracle is vulnerable.

Which is a convenient segue to the discussion Uncle Phil and I had today about the NCAA tournament. He's getting ready to spool up the annual family contest. All the wannabe's had better start reading the sports pages these next couple of weeks. Selection Sunday is March 11th. Which means that the entries will need to be in no later than 9AM CDT on March 14th. Unless the play-in game is made part of the package, in which case a Wednesday evening deadline will be required. But since Uncle Phil makes the rules, I defer to the Tahoe Talisman.

There is a rumor that 3 is back in the Central Time Zone.

The local sports-talk radio station has flipped some of it's national shows. As much as I hate to say anything nice about any of them, Dan Patrick is a breath of fresh air compared to Jim Rome or Mike & Mike In The Morning. And when Patrick gets going with Kieth Olbermann, they're like Hillary and Barbara Boxer getting together to talk about the GOP. I think I'm headed back to more country music.

But even country music is working mostly to attract younger listeners. I suppose that singers age just like their listeners, so Dolly and Randy and Clint and Vince and all the rest just need to get their own satellite station and pump it on down.

OK. Enough rendering on the Dark Side.

Let's end today with the reality that Spring Training is in full swing and there'll be exhibition games starting next week. And we can then get in the discussions on the intricacies of The Game, which I am sure will capture all of your imaginations!

So have a great evening.

Be careful out there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm back, i'm back! I tried to call, but unfortunatly someone has a busy season goin' on. all I can say in summation of my visit to the south is - there's no place like home! And regardless of how weird our family is - it's better than everybody else's.