Monday, October 16, 2006


Happy B-day to 3!!!!

3 also reports some good news on the employment front. She will have some choices. She's a star. We are all very proud of her.

Busy day here. Still trying to figure out what happened. It feels a little like the day after mid-terms: you know that the heat is off for now, but you also know that you have a lot of other stuff that will jump up in priority in a short time. No rest for the wicked. At this point, I just hope that I didn't forget anyone or anything.

Taking a break on running tonight. Rainy and a bit nasty out. I felt a twinge in my left calf last night so another day of rest can't be all bad. 2 will have to do Gold's on her own.

Oh-dark-hundred start in the AM for the DM conference. I would like to see 3 and 4 tomorrow evening on my way back on I-80 if they are available. Give me a call after 5 tomorrow afternoon. We can at least do coffee. Decaf for me at that hour.

4 made a nice entry finally. Always glad to hear from her.

Mrs. Mahler from PV made a guest appearance at SB's coffee this AM. She remembers all you guys. She was impressed that 1 is teaching high school LA. She knew you would be good at it.

So everyone have a good evening.

Be careful out there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i dream of being as loved as mrs. mahler. and of having students as good as myself;)