Thursday, October 05, 2006


I just have time for a few lines tonight. 2 and I have a run scheduled for 6:30. It gets dark so early that to start any later means finishing in the dark.

Margret is out today.

Still lots in the press about Foley. Just out of curiosity, I did a search on Blogger for "foley" and numerous hits were shown. Following a couple of those hits, and the referrals, its easy to see how a person could get lost in the maze of the internet. Just scanning a few of those blogs gives a hint of the tawdry underside of the fringe elements in journalism (if the blogs qualify as journalism). Scarey stuff.

I know there are some statistics that have estimated the increase in information over different periods of time. Given the amount of information that is created each day on the internet, does the exponential growth not only add to the mass, but also grows at an increasing speed? Or is that the definition of exponential growth? And, granted that the Earth's population has grown in recent centuries, but is this increase in information only an increase in written information? Can you have an increase in information if it is not somehow documented? Does the falling tree make a noise in an empty forest? Where is Albert Camus when we need him?

I see in the paper where "Kill Green" (aka ER) is still on TV. Why?

Thanks for reading. Have a great night.

And be careful out there.

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