Tuesday, August 15, 2006


I am trying to figure out what happened to today. It's gone. Just disappeared. Vanished. Poof.

3 is headed back to IC this evening. Had a great time at FFF last night. BBQ. Tuscan red.

I had planned to get out tonight for a DCC circuit, but I think I'll wait another day. I'm still a little tired from the DeWitt ride, and I'm a little late getting away from the office. The sun is beginning it's inexorable move to the Southern hemisphere and the days are showing definite signs of shortening daylight. In years past when my rides were usually on the city bike path which runs predominately East-West, I grew to dislike the after-work ride in the late Summer-early Fall because you were looking almost directly into the sun on the way out.

I can also detect the change in the day by the diminishing sunlight at 5:45 AM.

2 is taking suggestions for the name on the new car. I don't think that it necessarily means a vanity plate name, but it could. Be nice.

August 15th is the Catholic Church's holy day of obligation for the Assumption of Mary into Heaven. In the traditional church, this means attendance at Mass. I really don't know what the rules are these days, but I'm pretty sure that I've failed to meet whatever the criteria for whatever the offense.

In more worldly affairs, August 15th used to be the first extended due date for individual tax returns for the prior year returns which were originally due on April 15th. You could get a second extension to October 15th, but it took another request form. Now they just grant an automatic 6 month extension with the initial request. Who said the IRS wasn't able to change?

So hope rush at UI is a hit. I know 4 is a key to the success of the house. 3 will be there to close the deals later this evening.

Have a great evening.

Be careful out there.


Anonymous said...

My computer is broken. My friend, Chris, in India, helped me dissemble it and reassemble it before he came to the conclusion the problem lies in the motherboard. Really, I don't think having me mess around with memory cards and such helps the situation. In any case, a service man will contact me in 2-3 business days to set up a time to replace the motherboard. The motherboard is the keyboard/screen combo. Which I won't be able to do until after rush. And this explains my absense from the world of blogging. I hate not having a computer!

Anonymous said...

how does your motherboard get messed up? who knew there really was such a thing as a motherboard? i thought that was only a sci-fi term.