Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Wednesday PM

For those of you who look for inspiration here each day, the pickens will be pretty slim for the next few days. I leave early Thursday for KC and will not return until late Saturday. While I will probably have internet access in KC, I doubt if I have much time to blog. I'll try to check in, but the next significant entry may not be until Sunday.

4 should try to fill some of the space.

Busy day today to enable me to get out of town. I need to get my grass mowed, a bike ride in, pack, and miscellaneous other errands.

I know 1 is headed to the East Coast tomorrow. Have fun! 3 is finishing up her Chicago work. Just a few days, kiddo. Hang in there. And 2 continues to battle the cats at work. You hang in there too. Good luck with the Saturday event.

More later from the road.

Be careful out there.


Anonymous said...

What I want to know is 1 in Cape Cod? What she ever do to go on vacation as much as she does? It's not fair. Gosh.

I think she or 3 need to look at my resume sometime. Sorry, 2.

I'm working on 2 pieces to submit with my application to the Daily Iowan. One is about marathon training and I'm still kind of bouncing around some others ideas -living alone, vacay, some family story. I only get a paragraph or so in and always change my mind. Maybe I'll publish on my blog sometime. I need some inspiration.

Anonymous said...

i can look at your resume if you want. you should write about the perils of being the youngest sister. and i'm not going on vacation-i'm going out of town for work:)