Monday, June 05, 2006

Monday Part Two

So today was a good, but not great day here at the office. I wish that I were more productive.

I picked up the much-maligned bifocals today. And new sun glasses. The new prescription is a little stonger and gave me a headache after lunch. Still adapting to the bifocal thing.

Tomorrow is 06-06-06 which has certain bible-thumpers in a snit. There are stories on-line that talk about the biblical/satanic meaning to the number. I have one partner who has refused to have the client number 666 assigned to any of his accounts. I wonder if he will take any dramatic defensive action tomorrow. I think its all hooey.

Speaking of hooey, the talk on the wires about the Constitutional amendment to ban same sex marriage certainly creates some strange bedfellows (no pun intended). You have George Bush, Jerry Falwell, the Catholic bishops and the Knights of Columbus taking the high and righteous road. And I'm sure that I'm on the same side of the question with Susan (I can't stand you) Sarandan (and the rest of Hollywood). The Federal government needs to figure out how to balance the budget. And stay out of the bedroom.

I can't believe I'm on the same side as Susan Sarandan. On anything.

Lots going on for everyone this week. Good luck.

Be careful out there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.