I'm a little slow with this today. Among other things, the "a" key on my iPad keyboard has lost it's top...and getting an "a" to print requires an extra step each time. I don't often use the keyboard...not sure where the key top went for the "a".
The BEATER lived up to its name on Friday. After couple of early morning coffee stops, the car failed to turn-over in the parking lot at Dunn's. It was a "Car Dead, Call Fred" moment. A new alternator and peripheral parts later, I was good to go. $500. Great start for the weekend.
We have a new wine-bar in Davenport. Wacky, the guy who ran Wacky Waters for my pal Roy, opened a new place in one of those commercial buildings just South of Biaggi's on Utica Ridge Road. Its similar to the place in LeClaire that he had with his now ex-wife. I stopped in Wednesday for the first time with that guy who had come in to review my office procedures for my securities business. Kinda small. Good selection of wine. Not cheap, but not outrageous. Not sure how you make money at a place like that. No food. So no catering. Only 30-35 places for customer seating. Hmmm.
The evening extended further with a stop at 1/2 price night at Crust where I met up with my pal Pete and the owner of the Healthy Habits bike shop. (Generally, half-price wine tasted better than the same bottle at full price. Just sayin'.) The bike guy's girlfriend is a dead-ringer for Ziva David, including the widow's peak. She wasn't aware of who we were talking about, and was taken aback with the resemblance when she pulled up a Google image. I'll get her pic next time and share here. Long story short, I've been in wine-detox since Wednesday.
There was a story on Yahoo this AM about the 10 Most Disappointing Destinations for travel. On the list were such places as LA, the Pyramids, and Venice. Reasons for making the list were predominately, 1) dirt and grime, 2) aggressive street vendors, and 3) costs. I get that. But I am struck by the opposite results as I consider my destinations over the last several years. Other than a little bit of the LV Strip going a long way, my stops have been universally good experiences. Then again, except for the trips to Europe, I have mostly chosen to re-visit places that have produced good results previously. NYC. Tahoe. San Antonio. SF. Scottsdale. Total Wine.
And those trips to Europe have mostly stayed away from the big cities. The Palermo experience in Sicily was up the size charts, and Torino was big-city-gritty. But neither of those towns were/are huge tourist destinations. Lourdes in France had the most touristy feel...need any holy water? And the Isle of Capri was probably the biggest tourist trap.
Today is another memorable day in history. The anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor. For us of the Boomer Generation, it was a big item in American history. Semper fi.
All for today. I'll be doing better this week.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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