Tuesday, February 11, 2014


13 below this AM.

My latest recurring bad dream involves my insulated coffee mug.  The Sometimer's gene has me routinely forgetting the cup at the office.  I'll leave it on my desk, or occasionally on a counter top in one of the common areas.  Its a particular inconvenience the next day not to have it with me for 1st Coffee as the coffee just won't hold its heat in a paper cup once you leave the coffee shop into the bitter cold.

My lot has been exacerbated recently by our curiously over-zealous office cleaning service.  They come in on Monday and Thursday evenings.  As in last night.  In addition to vacuuming, dusting and emptying waste baskets, the gal runs our small dish washer for cups and plates that have accumulated since her last visit.  Dish washing must include taking cups from desks or counters.  I guess that's not the worst thing a cleaning service could do.

The problem with my coffee cup is that the dish washing machine is ineffective at fully rinsing the soap from the rubbery innards of the pressure lid of the cup.  And when it is not properly rinsed after washing, the soap dries and stays with the cup.  I have learned through experience that a soapy coffee cup lid does little for the taste of an Americano.  Yuck!  And last night's unwanted washing seems to have even diminished the pressure mechanism in the lid.  Hmmm.  Life's a beach!

Moving on...

Uh, who were those guys in 'Clone uniforms in Morgantown last night?  Glad I didn't invest any of my time in the game.

For those of you who may not follow my Twitter feed, the PN came over Sunday afternoon and worked on the BEATER's door to get it to close.  (I hesitate to say that he "fixed" the door.  I think that its a cold-related problem, and there's more cold in our future.)  He came over and began working on it (uninvited) after he noticed that I had parked the car in the driveway, and had moved it a second time to keep it in the sun.  I'm pretty sure that he and his wife understand that I need help with about everything.

This point in personal history...I noticed on the wall last night that 10 years ago in February I was doing regular indoor training on the treadmill at Gold's for my attempt at the Green Bay half-marathon.  20 years back, my siblings and I were preparing Mother for a move off the farm.  (Daddy passed on January 12, 1994.  It was a cold day at the cemetery!)  30 years ago catches the start of my business partnership with my pal Bill.  And if you scratch 40 years deep, you see Winter at Kunsan Air Force Base in South Korea.  That Winter in Korea was notable for the snow, not the cold.

Make it a Good Tuesday in your neighborhood.


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