Friday, July 26, 2013


Just a little something here for the Peanut Gallery as we head into the weekend.

I was actually going to do this entry last night from the Figge Art Museum while attending that function that 2 participated in, giving her six-minute slide travelogue presentation on her favorite Views of Paris.  I know, being on the computer at an event like that is poor etiquettet. But I figured that we would be in the second-floor auditorium with stadium seating and dimmed lighting, and my separate little ministrations wouldn't be all that apparent.  It didn't work out that way.  So no blog last night.

The Figge must have some NSA technology on site as my Internet service on my iPad was extremely slow and limited.  I tried my own Verizon service as well as the Guest WiFi offered by the museum.  Trying to upload a pic to Twitter from an iPhone was blocked.  And just trying to email a pic to Gmail or Yahoo was like dial-up access.  Interesting.  I felt like I was in China or one of the places where the government limits your surfing activities.

This has been RAGBRAI week in Iowa.  They over-night tonight in Fairfield, and finish tomorrow in Ft. Madison.  I volunteered to be a driver for my pals Ron and Pete for Thursday and Friday, but the schedules just didn't work.  I guess Lance was on the ride for a couple of days earlier this week.  He had a comment in the paper that he felt well-treated by the crowds and that it was good to return to Iowa.  Again, not a big fan of Lance.  But I think that its okay that he rides with the commoners who comprise RAGBRAI.  I think that his charitable work is praise-worthy.

If its RAGBRAI week, then it must also be Bix weekend here in Davenport.  In addition to the seven-mile run on Saturday morning, they do a kid run tonight (I think), and they had a variety of divisions last night for the Race up Brady Street Hill.  Girls. Boys. Open.  Senior.  Relays.  It all looked way too hard from my couch.  (I mostly walk up Main Street Hill in the Turkey Trot.)  The food vendors and craft people were setting up last night when we were at the museum.  I'll be avoiding the crowds this weekend.  (For many years, my pal Pete would do several days of RAGBRAI, and then get back Friday night so that he could do the Bix run on Saturday. Why?)

Margret is in the shop today for an oil change and other routine maintenance.  There's a piece of chrome that I've asked them to stick back on the passenger-side running board.  (A small indiscretion by moi last year while pulling away from a banking drive-up station.)  I think its been almost two years since her last visit...and less than 1000 miles.  Over/Under on the bill?  $125.  Taking the Over.  (See UPDATE below.)

Finally, anniversary alert for 3 and 3.1.  One year on Sunday.  Where did the time go?

All for now.  Hope it is a good weekend in your neighborhood.


UPDATE...So I only missed the Over on the Margret maintenance fee by about $100!!!  They charged only for the oil change, nothing for the lube, fluids top-off...nor for the body shop guy to come over and reattach the chrome molding below the passenger door.  $32.73.  Stopping to buy a lottery ticket on the way home.  I think that they got a kick out of seeing a well-maintained classic car and wanted to do their part to keep 'er on the road.  Suite deal!

I forgot to note earlier that I did get out on an early ride this AM, not only in the dark, but also in the rain.  (Not having the sun up until nearly 0600 is a true bummer.)  It wouldn't have happened if it was also cold, but such was not the case.  Actually doing a ride like that says volumes about how far I have come from the pneumonia bottoms.  And I plan to get out in the morning before heading down for golf in Muskie.  Loving my healthier self!

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