Monday, April 29, 2013


Throwing up a few lines here this AM as I wait to meet up with 4. Lower your expectations on the creativity scale.

I never fail to retreat back to memories of our time in C-town in the late '70's when I spend a few days here in NYC. The density of people, the street-canyons amid the high-rise buildings, and the public transportation experiences. Not bad things. And I am comfortable in moving with the flow. But I do like that driveway back on Maplecrest!

The police presence throughout Manhattan is impressive. There's not the brute force out and about today as there was back a couple of years ago when you had the Occupy Wall Street (do they deserve caps?) crowd encamped, but you see officers at almost every street corner...just hangin' out.

We spent quite a bit of time yesterday (Sunday) on the street, checking out different areas where 3 and 3.1 might find a new apartment. (Lots of choices for them. None of them inexpensive.) But regardless of where we were, we saw people dragging roller suitcases.

Not sure what that means other than that NYC has lots of visitors.

And walking along on the street, in the train station, at the coffee many non-English conversations. Like the very annoying young European now on the phone at the next table!

4 had a Junior League community service project yesterday that took place at a venue that took her over an hour to get to by public transport. Weekend trains are not "expresses", and the sheer number of trains is reduced. So making it to a distant location become an exercise in and of itself. That's the part of urban living that I find least appealing.

We did serious damage to 3.1's wine inventory over the weekend. Shock.

The plan today is for 4 and I to check out FOX News, and Brooklyn. Looking forward to seeing her world on a first-person basis.

Pics to follow later.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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