The Chicago trip was about as forecasted. Travel had its ups and downs. The hotel/motel situations met expectations. And the program was not without merit. The conference accommodations at the Sheraton were excellent. They did have another group meeting in adjacent rooms on Friday, but there was plenty of room for all. A medical association of cardiologists, anesthesiologists, or some ologists like that. They were mostly Indian/Pakistani. Everybody has a convention.
I'm thinking that the I-80 option is just a bit longer mileage-wise, and the Stevenson takes forever to get to I-80. Whatever.
I parked in a public ramp on Wacker Drive within a couple blocks of my hotel. $24 per day. Other hotels up the food chain advised of daily parking fees in the $45-50 range. Hello C-town!
2 reports that her event at the Figge last night was a big success. I know that she had spent a lot of time over the last few weeks in preparation. Always nice when that work shows dividends. Way to go, Kiddo! You are Daughter of the Day.
I'm putting this out there that I am working on a small family "book" about Grandpa/Daddy/Phil. Right now, I'm trying to put an outline together with some different ideas on format and presentation. I think that baseball will be a central theme since that was the sport that I feel carried over to so many things we did as a family. If any of my siblings are reading, send me an email with any baseball stories that you think would fit in this work. Any relevant pictures would also be appreciated. My goal is to have the printed product ready for Tahoe. So I need to get on the move, eh?
I'm not entirely certain of the math here. Others have made the fatal mistake of relying on a tweet, but I'm going with 3's entry on her journey to C-town yesterday and extending best wishes to Herky. Happy Birthday, future 3.1!
The NBA playoffs start today. Can hardly wait. And they'll go on for most of two months. Why do they even play a regular season? Oh, yeah. I forgot. It's about the money, Stupid!
One of the guys near the top of the leaderboard in this week's PGA event down in New Orleans is Ken Duke. He's the pro who stays at my pal Roy's house when the tour stops here for the John Deere event each July. I've met him several times. Extraordinarily ordinary guy. Good for him. Go Kenny!
Looks like I have The W again tomorrow night when 2 heads over to DM for a Monday meeting. And I think next weekend is 2's NYC trip. Hmmm. This is getting past my preferred Las Vegas limits on W-sitting.
Enough for today. Hope the peanut gallery is enjoying the weekend.
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