I was not able to get to the blog due to continued non-performance by our IT experts. I went to Scottsdale without my regular laptop with the Verizon card, and the back-up laptop that I lugged all the way down and back was never able to pick up a Wi-Fi signal at any of the places that had the service. I was not a happy camper.
Lots going on here at the office today. I'll try to add to this entry before going home...because I still don't have my laptop!
Here's belated recognition to 1.01 as Granddaughter of the Day. What a cutie!
Just a few lines to check back in before heading out for a 1730 meeting. Jet lag kicked in the middle of this afternoon and I'm going to need to suck it up to get through this session. You play, you pay.
I also need to stop at Pearl Vision while I'm over on the Illinois side to drop off my Oakley prescription sun glasses that have a broken lens. I pulled the glasses out of the protective case (for the first time in a month or more) at Grayhawk on Thursday morning only to find them broken. Ouch. They are insured, but the deductible will still cost me out-of-pocket cash. I love this country!
For the record, my Perfect Neighbor did shovel/snow-blow my sidewalk/drive-way while I was gone. Suite! Was there a doubt?
Its pretty hard to see in this photo, but MetLife did send the blimp down to capture course-level video of our foursome. News about our group is not a small thing in the desert. (Actually, I'm guessing that the blimp was there for the Phoenix Marathon that was run on Sunday.)
(Speaking of marathons, the first and second place finishers in the US Olympic Trials marathon held in Houston on Saturday were both former Quad Cities Bix 7 winners. 1 and 1.1 both did the Houston Marathon a few years ago. With support from 2 and the Lt.)
Now gone. See you here tomorrow.
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