Thursday, January 15, 2009


Bitter, bitter cold in the upper Midwest. Maybe -20 tonight. Ouch!

1 begins her journey to Boston via Houston tomorrow. She and 1.1 fly in tomorrow and 2 and I join them on Saturday. Race day in Texas is Sunday.

I'm in recovery from the late night last night from the trip to Wheaton.

Another item of evidence of my elderliness is my inability to distinguish between black and navy when I'm picking out turtlenecks in the morning. Today, I had chosen a black sweater and went to the pile of turtlenecks and consciously compared darks, and picked what I thought was a black one. Later at the office, I noticed in a mirror that my shirt was decidedly navy. Not the first time.

I'm thinking that I need to put a written code on the collar tag to indicate black or blue.

Everybody out there paid their Social Security taxes on the household help? I thought public servants with aspirations all had taken Zoe Baird 101 years ago. Then again, in a time of Change, these little oversights really aren't that important. How could some honcho with the IMF or the Fed be expected to know stuff on complicated things like payroll taxes anyway?

I'm guessing that those folks on the jet that landed in the Hudson River today aren't worried about taxes or their marathon training.

Have a great day.


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