Saturday, September 06, 2008


How 'bout them Hawks? Big day in IC. 42-zip. And I don't think that the game was as close as the score indicates. FIU must be a real powerhouse.

ND struggled against Chuck Long-led San Diego State. A favorable "homer" call on a fumble at the ND goal line gave the Irish the break they needed. Could be another year of underachieving by the Weis crew.

33+ this morning. Maybe DeWitt tomorrow. It was actually a bit too cool for comfort on a bike at 6:30 this morning.

I golfed with a client in Muscatine yesterday afternoon at my pal Roy's home club (where I have been a true non-resident member for the Summer). My back lasted for about 13 holes. Those last couple in particular were u-g-l-y. Maybe my Winter exercise program will include some lower back work.

Its official. My 2008 tomato crop was a failure. The four plants may have produced a total of 50 edible tomatoes. My neighbor and I have concluded that we have some tomato-loving critters and birds in the area. Next year, my garden will have a fence and protective netting. (I can't believe I just said that. Since when did birds like tomatoes?)

And I mowed my yard this afternoon for the first time since coming home from Tahoe. Gustav gave us enough rain to bring a little life back to the grass. The broad-leaf weeds and dandelions grew in the absence of water, but the grass had started to go dormant. If there's rain in the forecast, I'm laying down a strong treatment of Weed & Feed.

Revkev (you'll always be Revkev to us!), I'm thinking that you've broken Blog Protocol 101 by commenting on your own blog.

Is there anything as silly as a reporter standing on a street near an Atlantic beach being buffeted by hurricane-level winds and rain "reporting" the weather? With all the storms now being reported on, you can't turn on The Weather Channel or any of the big cable networks without one of these shots. It really adds to the news.

Interesting combination of players for the multi-TV-network cancer special last night. The three networks' evening news anchors appeared on stage together, and there were many "stars" and celebrities involved. Lance Armstrong among them in Chicago.

McCain and Obama are set to appear together at Ground Zero on 9-11.

We can unite as a nation for almost any disaster. (Although, of course, most of those disasters are because of George Bush.) Voter registration cards aren't checked when sandbagging a surging Mississippi River. Or when the roads close for a Winter blizzard.

We also unite behind our successful teams or heroes. Did anyone ask Michael Phelps his political preferences before that last gold medal race? (Well, Katie Kouric tried to, but Bob Costas cut her off.)

I have no answers. I'm still trying to figure out the questions.

Have a great Sunday.



camperkev said...

wow...there's protocol for blogs? Now that I think about it - that is kind of sad - commenting on my own blog. Probably similar to someone sending themselves flowers.

Anonymous said...

Martha said:

Sunday's NYTimes had a front page article about Iowa barns disappearing. Wonder if the one on the farm is still there. I did some of the hardest physical work I've ever done in they hay loft; mowing hay, also the hottest. However, a lot of bb was played there I think.

The magazine had two articles not to miss; 24/7 School Reform is one of the best on education I've read in a long time. Also, one on the Republican party.