Monday, September 24, 2007


It was a busy weekend. Lots of FFF.

1 broke four hours in the marathon on Sunday. You go girl!

1.1 broke two hours in the half, and had enough left in the tank to do another three with 1 in the 20-23 stretch when the heat was really coming out.

2 finished her half in good form and good spirits. Pretty suite for not having had much of a training schedule.

We had a brief period with 3 Friday night, but she had to return on Saturday AM to C-town for a work project.

4, Mom and I were the support team for the runners. We got a good workout in by just hop-scotching ahead to viewing points.

So that was pretty much the focus of the last few days. Nothing else major to report.

Entries here over the next two-three weeks will be a bit sporadic. I'm headed to Phoenix this Saturday for a three-day conference beginning next Monday. And there are at least a couple dozen tax returns due on October 15th that will take a lot of work. So the Blog will suffer. Guest entries will, of course, be welcome.

So congrats to the runners.

Hope everyone has a good week.


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