Thursday, September 21, 2006


Busy day on the blogs today.

Our cousin Fran R had an article in the local rag about his running exploits. I haven't seen him as much this summer since I haven't been on the bike path during the week, which is where he trains. He continues to win most of the 5-10K local weekend road races for his 70+ age group. He's doing the half in this weekend's QC Marathon. In the half I did here 2 years ago, he did the full. He's nuts.

In a similar vein, my biking buddy Tom, whom I won't ride with anymore because he's like totally out of my league (for you 4!), is looking forward to next year when he turns 60 and will be the youngest guy in Plus 60 races. But he probably needs to watch out: anybody riding competitively at age 60 may have some skills.

2 has been getting a little air time here. Did I detect a little I'm-here-too-ism in a comment?

The local Catholic diocese lost another ancient abuse case for about $1.5 mil this week. That's on top of the $10 mil that they have paid out in settlements in the last couple of years. No winners in this business except the attorneys. And at those judgement rates, there will most definitely be more cases. Of course the attorneys are solemnly murmurring, "It's not about the money," all the way to the bank.

Then you have the international furor among the Muslims for the comments made by the Pope last week. Isn't it amazing how sacred every element of that religion is in comparison to anthing that we know here in the States? Leno pokes fun at the Catholics almost every night. Nobody is exempt here. Billy Graham, Mother Teresa, The Pope, Jesus Christ, for that matter. But don't 'dis Mohammed. No wonder there is no peace in their worlds.

On a lighter note, I couldn't care less about Grey's Anatomy. Although they were talking about an interesting shower scene at coffee this morning. I may watch CSI, but I also may just go to bed.

So make sure the right amount of studying and class prep is done before the books are closed this evening. 2, dust off the resume!

Y'all be careful out there.


Anonymous said...

um, yeah. i should be prepping for classes, but i am definitely watching csi.

Anonymous said...

i would like to commend dad for the use of the word 'dis' in his blog entry. mad props, dad.