Thursday, July 06, 2006


Another beautiful day in River City.

Charlie made quite the entry last night. She gets an award for longest free-thought blogging, at least for the week. I liked her warning sign at the top of the entry.

Susan is on her way to Dallas for her friend's wedding. Via Atlanta. To return Sunday night.

Susan's car is dead for all practical purposes. The clutch is shot. Six bills to fix. It was a great car for the money, but it is far short of now being worth another $600 in repairs. New (actually used) choices after Tahoe.

I'm taking the night off from biking and birds. I know that I'll probably miss tomorrow too, but I'm just too tired to jump on the bike tonight. If I do 35 or so on Saturday, I'll still have the right number for the week. Next week will be a challenge with Tahoe in the mix.

Aunt Rosie has a birthday this week. I think that it's the BIG Six-Oh. I don't know how my siblings and I got to be so old. I never consciously thought about not getting old, but I have always felt young. Except in the mornings after long rides or bad shrimp.

Frank and Melanie will will return this weekend.

Here's the return of a blog fav...a Top Ten list. Summer Favorites. Not necessarily in order of importance.

1. Iced lemonade smoothies.
2. Sunlight at 5:30AM (and 8:30PM)
3. Fresh tomatos.
4. Mid-afternoon RAGBRAI beer bash.
5. A park bench at Adventure Land.
6. A drive-in movie.
7. Iced cold beer after a sweaty workout.
8. The beach at Sand Harbor, LakeTahoe.
9. Emerald Bay in Phil's boat, Lake Tahoe.
10.DQ runs in Margret.

There could be lots of additions. A Tahoe theme could emerge. Mt. Rose. The retro condo. Truckee. Etc.

All for now. Be positive thinking people. You all have much to be thankful for. Me too.

Be careful out there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rosie willl be 60 on July 30